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Thursday, June 26, 2014

O-Fish-ially First Graders!

My latest creation for my new first graders!  What a way to welcome new first graders to your class. You can use these on a pack of Goldfish snacks or Sweedish Fish. So cute!  Pick up your labels at my Teachers Pay Teachers store and print on a whole page label and simply cut them out!  So easy!  Your new kiddos will love them on the first day of school!

Click here to get the labels. This will take you to my Teachers Pay Teachers Store.

Enjoy and have a great first day!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Back-To-School Signs Step-By-Step

Welcome to My Back-To-School Night

These are my Back-To-School Night Step-By-Step Signs to guide parents through the hectic night. These pictures are just taken in my kitchen, as Back-To-School hasn't taken place just yet. I got the idea from Pinterest, but again, no printables. So visit my Teachers Pay Teachers store and download your set today! They will make your Back-To-School Night a breeze.

Notice, the packet from Step 7 is missing. I haven't made it yet. I purchased a great flip book from Teachers Pay Teachers and plan on making it as soon as I have the relevant information to add to it! Just can't wait for school to get closer!

Months of the Year for a Birthday Chart

Free Month Headers for a Birthday Chart!

I didn't want you to have to wait until I set up my classroom to snag this freebie!  These are small month headers for as birthday chart. I plan on taking pictures of my students holding that date of their birthday and putting their pictures under the month of their birthday on a bulletin board.

Please get your free copy now by visiting my Teachers Pay Teachers store- One Sweet World in First.



Bubbling with Excitement!

I made this for Back-To- School!  I'm going to use them for Meet the Teacher Night to give out to my new students. I'm going to upload the file to Google docs for you to print off your own labels. I actually found the idea on Pinterest, but there was no download, so here you go!

I am just so excited to have my own classroom!  I can't wait to get started!  Imagine that. A teacher who can't wait for summer vacation to end!?! Well, I'll take the time, as I still have plenty to get ready. Please stop back for more ideas and freebies for the new school year!